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(270/308) 1839 - PHPParser: parameter never used, in multi-line string

To reproduce: load the attached file

In Error List, I see:

3:warning, the parameter a seems to be never used in your method

Similar to #1281

Enabled plugins: Common Controls 1.7.4, Console 5.1.5, ErrorList 2.3, FTP 1.3, Hyperlinks 1.1.0, PHPParserPlugin 2.0.5, SideKick 1.8
jEdit 5.3.0 (stable)
Windows 7 x86_64
Oracle JRE 1.8.0_71 (x86_64) + JCE unlimited strength policies

Submitted bgolding - 2016-02-05 15:13:35.930000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels phpparser
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2016-02-05 17:03:56.610000

missed attachment